Our consultants can inspect the pedagogical systems, curriculum articulation, and the quality of teaching and learning in your school. We are experienced school inspectors who will work with your programme coordinators to observe and feedback on all aspects of your school. We will provide advice for policy implementation and deliver professional development that your school leaders and teachers need. Our comprehensive reports will provide the observations necessary for you to improve the purpose, environment, culture and learning in classroom environments. The first report will set the stage for what aspects of your programme need improvement, and the end consultancy report will provide the next steps forward to ease the journey to accreditation, authorization or evaluation.
What our experienced consultants can do for your school
School Consultancy Solutions can help you achieve the school improvement that your school community desires. We can help you create the teaching and learning environment that your administrators, teachers, parents and, most of all, students need so that each child can become life-long learners able to achieve the best that they can in this competitive world. Our professional consultants are experienced senior school leaders, educators and teacher trainers who can provide guidance to candidate schools rolling out the implementation of a new programme, new schools seeking authorization, or veteran schools looking for programme evaluation and improvement. Working with your staff and behind the scenes, we can make the difficult journey of school improvement run more effectively and efficiently for the entire school community. Let us come into your school to be the eyes and ears reporting where your school is presently, and the mentors guiding your programme development to be the best that it can be.

Profiles of a few of our outstanding consultants
KB brings over twenty-five years of experience and doctoral research in teaching, curriculum development and education leadership in international schools. He has directed professional development programmes as part of pre-teacher training for UK certification, and spoken at conferences on engaging learners through inquiry and student-centred classroom practice. His extensive experience in consultation and programme evaluation as a site visitor for IB schools enables him to accurate assess the learning environment at your school, provide the PD, curriculum and policy development that is needed, and to guide your programme implementation to be the best that it can be. KB specializes at the secondary/middle school level for School Consultancy Solutions.
RS is an experienced school visit leader for international school accrediting agencies including CIS, IB, KHDA and NEASC. He has thirty years of experience in school leadership that gives him extensive experience in guiding schools through their authorization journeys. He can give your school a thorough report of where it is in terms of current programme implementation and where you want it to go. His guidance for your school in the teaching and learning environment, and the development of school policy and classroom curriculum will match the top requirements of any authorizing agency. RS specializes at the secondary/upper secondary school level for School Consultancy Solutions.
JB is award winning teacher who brings twenty years of classroom practice and school leadership. She has guided the transition of schools between British and IB curriculum, and American schools in an international context. She is an experienced school visitor for many school accreditations and her insight into the teaching and learning at your school will provide a platform for you to enhance the experience of each student through improvements in pedagogy, infrastructure and curriculum. She can provide the guidance that you need to bring about the school improvement that you desire. JB specializes at the primary/middle school level for School Consultancy Solutions.
info@schoolconsultancysols.com | +36 1 210 3823